[NO ENDGAME SPOILERS PLEASE. LATE GAME SPOILER MENTIONED] Why is no one talking about Rella’s eyes & tribe?

Ok so maybe this is actually addressed eventually, but I’m pretty much at the end of the game (I’m halfway through September, just killed Louis, but I know there’s another month).

But Rella clearly has Nidia eyes. When I first saw her I was convinced she was Ishkia/Nidia mixed, but apparently she’s just Ishkia? Or she seems to be?

What’s going on there? No other Ishkia have eyes anything like Rella’s (Neuras and any Ishkia crowd NPCs you see around all have ‘normal’ eyes). I mean sure Maria’s eyes are kind of big and bright but in a cute childlike way not in that wild starry Nidia way Rella has.

I thought her being Junah’s sister meant they shared one parent? Like half-sisters with a shared Nidia parent? But no Junah is just fully adopted.

It also doesn’t add up with her being in such a prestigious position as a Saint and from a prominent Sanctist family if she was mixed, as we see mixed individuals are highly discriminated against. Especially if they were half Nidia (and not just mixed between the 4 ‘accepted’ tribes of Clemar, Roussainte, Rhoag, and Ishkia).

Am I just reading into this too much? Is it just an artstyle choice unique to Rella specifically?

If this is indeed answered right at the end of the game then fine, but yeah just wondering