Vertigo starting day after hearing loud music, please help
Is the seccond time this happened, first time was 2 months ago, I went to a night club and the music was extremely loud, I started to bring earplugs to partyes but this night I took them out in the beggining and didn’t put back, The day after I woke up with a sensation I never experienced, was kinda like a dizziness, if I moved my head side to side everything spins, this felling stayed for like 6 days!
I was trying g some vertigo exercices I saw on YT, I don’t know if was this that helped, but the feeling was driving me crazy, I’m a professional athlete and to have trainings with this was horrible!
This weekend I went to a night club and didn’t even think on ear plugs, the music was loud I guess, I don’t know to be honest! I woke up and was okey, the next day the vertigo started! The dizziness is so strong this time that I’m going crazy, is super hard to make sports like that!
Please if someeone here experienced that any help would be aprecciated! I live in a small town and I don’t even think we have specialists here ;/
I’m desperated and I don’t know what to do
Thank you in advance