Surmen GT61 (68) Big Mistake

I've seen a lot of different comments about this keyboard, I found a lot of people which recommended more the GK61 one from HK, but since its price started to rise and I actually wanted a keyboard with yellow switches I decided to go with the Surmen GT61. At first glance, the keyboard quality is pretty decent, the keycaps are made of pbt plastic with double injection but that is pretty much standard as well as being hot-swappable. Overall the keyboard is very much what you would expect for the price, good quality cable, keycaps, etc. and even the keyboard is bluetooth with a remarkable battery life. Seemingly, the only problems that you might find in it are that the rgb animations are a bit "laggy" when setting them in a slow speed and a bit of spring ping noise but, the keyboard have a major flaw for me at the price and it's the lack of software. I mean, there are a lot of keyboards costing half of the price that have some kind of app for customising it but with this one, you are so limited by the fact that it doesn't have any of this, the colors that can be selected with the function key are so basic and kinda ugly to the point that I don't even use any of the lightning effects. If you want a customizable keyboard I wouldn't recommend this one for you since the rgb lighting isn't great neither the brightness nor the animations and finally the absence of an app just makes it a mid keyboard for the price.