How Many Mazda CX-90 Owners Regret Your Purchase?

I’m a huge Mazda fan (I own three of them) and really want to buy a CX-90 but the reliability issues I see on this forum really gives me pause.

I’m also considering a new Toyota Land Cruiser. Very different vehicles but I find both to be very appealing for different reasons. I haven’t been seeing many issues popping up on the Land Cruiser forum and it’s probably the safer bet in terms of reliability.

I really can’t get a good read on the CX-90 in terms of reliability. Some seem to love it, many others say it’s been a mess with recalls and repairs and initiating the lemon law process.

Like many others, I’m busy with kids, work, homeownership—life in general. l really don’t want to shell out decent money and end up with the headache of spending time in a dealership with recalls and repairs on a new car.

For CX-90 owners, how many of you regret your purchase?