Can someone help me with my build please?

Hello, I would like to know how to improve my Mavuika build.

Things I want to do to improve her are: getting better flower(all cd/atk% if possible)

I also have the Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic SwordUltimate Overlord's Mega Magic sword so I dont know if I should lvl it up from lvl 20 or if it's not worth it.

With the team provided below, my ult deals only about 360k dmg, which I think is super low. Maybe I just expect too much from this team...

Even the charged attacks(pyronado) deals only around 30-40k per hit...

The rotation I use is: Mavuika e first, then switch to Xilo and proc her E with NA, then switch to Benny boy and ult and E to recover some energy, fast switch to Citlatli to ult and then E and lastly switch back to Mavuika and ult and then do charged attack dmg.

The team I am using is as follows: