Dd8 global hero updated recommendations?

Starting Dd8 global hero tomorrow and wondering who yall think is the best option for a 5th with the Illuminati trio.

I brought them cuz I feel like xtreme might be next in line to rotate out, and they're already awesome at the levels I've got them. Illuminati doesn't seem to be going anywhere as a crucible option so they were a no brainer.

Nightcrawler seemed an easy 4th as he gets all the 'hero' benefits with Hank, he's fast, semi-self reliant, stun, slows, and probably in my top 5 favorite marvel characters (that def matters).

For a 5th I'm leaning towards BK cuz he's already 100 with 1 diamond. I see him on a lot of leader board teams but I hear he's not... incredible in Dd8, and he felt bad in dd7 as well. Looking at Ancient One as an option even though she is just 5red. Buff flips, heal block, another raider to help spread vulnerable. Anyone able to chime in how a not-maxed-out ancient one performs with CB+Hank+Shuri? Last two options I considered for half a second before deciding to just post here would be a 1 diamond sunspot or a 4red Emma. Idk I'm probably over thinking it. It's just two nodes lol

Thanks for the input yall.