What if Hanna-Barbera produced all of the Marvel cartoons of the 1960s?

What if Hanna-Barbera studios was the production studio behind all of the Marvel 1960s era characters, not just fantastic four?

Spider-Man, incredible Hulk, Daredevil, Thor, Captain America, iron Man, Sub mariner, Dr strange and the original five X-Men.

As many people know, Grant Ray Lawrence was responsible for the production of the Marvel cartoons that managed to make it to the air in the 1960s outside of the FF. But certain characters were not animated at all including doctor strange and Daredevil.

Also the original five X-Men made an appearance in a Submariner cartoon but they were not referred to as the X-Men.

I think that potentially each of those characters could have had a longer run as cartoon shows, at least a couple of seasons worth, than what ended up being produced elsewhere.

Could have been interesting seeing some voice actors from Hanna Barbara perform the marvel characters as well.

Ted Cassidy as the incredible Hulk would have been really good.