Am I Sensitive Or Is She Abusive?
Title kinda sums it up. I'm at a place in my marriage where I can not tell if I'm being sensitive to her words or if it's deeper. My (m32) wife (f28) sometimes is (in my opinion) very harsh and mean. I work with children and she will often tell me things I do are "creepy" and if she was a parent she'd be "suspicious" of me. For example my students threw me a party and wrote me letters when it was my last day. When I got home she said it was incredibly odd for kids to do that and the letters were creepy.
Another example is how often she just belittles me. I tend to dress in button shirts and slacks and she will get upset and tell me I need to change. In her words I'm trying to make her look bad because she tends to wear sweat pants out. I always tell her I think she looks beautiful and I want her to be comfortable wearing anything out with me, and I should be comfortable dressing how I like, but she'll just get upset and say I'm "forcing" her to dress up or else she'll look "ugly" next to me. Then she'll cry in front of the closet.
She gets upset if I do things without her as well. I have no friends at this point because she will go from thinking our friends are amazing to thinking they hate her and are terrible people after one disagreement. I was going to take my mother to see a movie, and my wife got upset and said "oh so you didn't invite me?" and I explained how my mother could only go during a time my wife would still be working and she replied "you just didn't want me to go". Then when I told my mother I couldn't take her, my wife got upset and said she wasn't telling me I couldn't go and I was making her look like the bad guy.
Any time I've brought these issues up she will tell me I'm being sensitive and say I'm trying to invalidate her feelings. Am I just sensitive? She never is physically abusive or anything? I just feel like she's a hateful person. But I also recognize that I can be an emotional guy sometimes. I'm usually the one who cries at movies and stuff so it's not like I don't understand I can be overly sensitive.