PSA - Almost fell for a Scam

I just want to make a PSA about this scam as I almost fell for it since they had a scary amount of detail about me so I thought it nearly must have been real. I also tried searching online about this scam while stalling the caller but found very little information on it so it may be a new scam circulating.

TLDR: Received a phone call from Police claiming I opened a phone number in China and said number was used to scam citizens out of millions and I am being charged by the Chinese government. When denying these claims, they advised I could've fell victim of ID Theft and I should contact the Chinese Embassy to file a claim otherwise I may be convicted for this crime.

Long Version:
Last night I received a call from caller ID showing a Police Department not from the GTA where I currently live. I was a little suspicious because of this but I did attend university from this city many years ago so I answered.

They started by stating they were from the Police Department of X city, Officer name and badge number. Asked to speak to me by my name and then asked if I was aware of a phone number being opened in China. (I recently travelled to Hong Kong so this made me feel like it was beginning to possibly not be a scam.)

I said no and they told me on X date, a sim card was registered with my passport details and the phone number attached to the sim card has been used to scam people out of millions of dollars and the Chinese authorities are going to charge me for fraud. (The date they provided was the exact date I landed in Hong Kong and I did register a SIM card on that date.)

I was a little shocked at this detail as the SIM I was given by a relative who lived there (my wife called said relative while I was on this call and they ended up saying they got the SIM from a random shop at a tech mall in Hong Kong, not from a known retailer) I thought damn, my details must've been leaked after registering my info on the website.

I refuted this claim saying it is not me and I had no knowledge of it and the "officer" double downed and asked me did I arrived in Hong Kong on X date on Flight Y from XXX airport. All of these details were true.

At this point I was a little shook as they had so much detail so I thought I was actually screwed. But one last thing I wanted to confirm was why was the Police outside of the GTA calling me instead of the YRP. They claimed the registered address for me was in that city and has been been updated in X years (the exact number of years I left that city). I thought it was a little suspicious at first since I definitely updated my address for Drivers License and had my passport renewed since leaving university but felt with all the other accurate information provided, this could be possible.

The officer proceeded to tell me that I may be a victim of ID Theft and suggested me to call the Chinese Embassy to file a statement that this is what happened otherwise they will arrest me and I will be convicted of defrauding Chinese citizens millions of dollars. They did not provide me a number to the Chinese Embassy which was another flag to me that it may be legitimate (since they are not just forwarding me to a random person) and after trying to get some more information out of him, I just said you know what, I cant find any number and he said he will just transfer me and to stay on the line.

At this point I hung up because I do not trust getting transferred to an unknown number.
I decided to try and validate the officer by calling back that city's police department but after 2 hours of being on hold through the non emergency line, I could not get through. (during this time, the officer was repeatedly calling me back). I tried searching online for this exact scam and found nothing so that made it a little more believable to me. Eventually I found this reddit post which was almost exactly what happened to me but they seemed to have way more detail about me than this other person.

I also started to look for information about extraditions and Canadian police involvement with crimes reported to have taken place in China and found this almost never happens.

The above 2 points made me at ease and I put it off until this morning when I called the police department back and they confirmed their number was spoofed last night and multiple people have reported the exact same scam call. Still, this was a very scary interaction as they had so much information on me that I nearly fell for it.

I am unsure of what would have happened if I continued with the call the the so called Chinese Embassy, I assume some sort of demand for money to fund a lawyer so something similar.

Hoping this post helps someone in the future.