“What do you do for fun?”

Truly this was the hardest question because it is hard to approach it… my thought process was like: I know I want to major in physics so I should probably write something about that but… that would be a lie. And if I wrote that Chernobyl was my special interest regarding physics I’d look like a psycho… but the other things that I do for fun are…

So yeah I decided to write about a family friendly version of an activity I do with friends on Skype call (Discord is banned in my country lol).

Basically I take writing commissions because writing and drawing are the only things that keep me sane lol. Since my friends learned it we have a game we call “Russian Roulette” and I did write the name of it lol not so family friendly but that is the name truthfully.

We have bunch of wheels with people and weird tropes in it and we spin it and I open a document writing about whatever we got and they can edit it freely, after we’re done we voice-act it because its fun and why not. Currently I have almost lots of weird things written about my classmates (I did not include that I write about my classmates.)

I thought I was very clever while writing this, SURE its not oriented towards my major but does it showcase creativity? personality? communication? hell if you squeeze it enough even leadership.

I kinda wanna know what else people wrote about, sometimes I feel like I don’t fit the “hard-working nerd” stereotype since I also have lots of creative hobbies and sometimes they overshadow my love for STEM (yikes) but the time I got to visit MIT our tour-guide was a very sweet guy who did ballet and majored in 2 STEM subjects !! Tbh the only reason why I went along with my application despite being a bit afraid was him, thank you ballet guy.