Poem for Mon Mon
Hello Mon Mon
It is appeared to me that we have been dated for 4 years
At first, i have seen what you did to three other girls
It was hurt my feelings to see they got [REDACTED]
All because of a love feelings for a shell that does not exist
I first wonder why do you do this
To win my feelings or to make me pay attention to you
I was really hate you at first
Was going to [REDACTED] you
But now, through our dating, seeking to understand you
I have understand why you have done that
They are not real, all of this is not true
You have see me as your true lover
And that [REDACTED] is nothing but a shell for me to see you everyday
Now i have committed love, loyalty and time spent out for you
Because you are special to me, the one and only girlfriend is really caring me
Thank you for not leaving me and not stopped loving me
Your Sincerely Boyfriend