Unexplained herx? Or flare? Or something else?
Long story short I’ve had Lyme, babesia,mold,ebv illness for 10+ years and am not currently in treatment with finally feeling like at a decent place physically after years of being sick treating but now suddenly 6 days ago I’m experiencing herx like symptoms. Such as exhaustion, heart palpitations, brain fog, air hunger, sweating, muscle spasms, headache, eye pain, neck pain, coat hanger pain, increased anxiety, feeling drunk without drinking, exercise intolerance, and more symptoms I can’t currently think of.
Usually I can pinpoint what causes my flare or herx but there has been no change in routine or treatment recently. The only thing I can think of is starting mid-high intensity work outs in the gym last week that might of triggered something. I’ve been able to exercise low intensity just fine for the past two years but maybe I pushed my body too hard? This past year was particularly hard. With my last sickness being Covid January 2024 that took me out for a few months recovering. And it has been hard emotionally with the death of my dad and the grief that exists still. Maybe it’s all just catching up to me now. Anyway, if anyone else has experienced a sudden flare of previous Lyme symptoms I’d like to hear. This all feels similar to when my Babesia was bad. My doctor ordered labs for me to get done this week to hopefully get some answers and rule out anything else.
Edit: Thank you for the responses. I’m glad to have this community, especially during flare ups. With worsening symptoms and past history I am very certain this is either a flare up or relapse in Babesia/lyme infection. It’s been so long I sometimes forget that I still have this awful infection within me. I really hope it’s not a relapse and have to begin treatment again. I will post an update once I get my bloodwork results back, which will probably take a few weeks with current delays. In the meantime I am doing my best to limit physical activity and rest, focusing on getting proper sleep and supporting my body with vitamins & herbs. I’m following a herx protocol of various methods. Lowering histamine load with antihistamines as I have MCAS. Currently taking prescribed LDN. Just started taking bur bur pinella for herx like reactions. Ordered more cryptolepis that I previously used to take for Babesia. Herbal teas, dry brushing, and epsom salt soaks. Taking binders such as activated charcoal for die off. Added note: was on antibiotics for several years that helped manage my symptoms but in the processed messed up my gut, a lot. Now looking into and following Buhner protocol for more herbal support. Want to add more herbs to treat specific symptoms. I’m also under the care of a nurse practitioner that treats Lyme and co infections with an llmd. Thanks again!