best way to integrate antibiotics into herbal protocol?

It seems that when asked whether someone should go for herbals or for antibiotics, many people on this forum answer “do both”. I started a slightly modified Buhner protocol two months ago and I would like to add traditional antibiotics. I haven’t really noticed improvements with herbals yet, but I know it takes time and that some of the continuing symptoms I’m experiencing may be die-off symptoms. Anyway, I have trust in herbal protocols and intend to keep them as my foundation, but I feel antibiotics can help and I’m wondering how best to use them as an add-on.

The obvious answer would be to follow my doctor’s recommendations, but there are no LLMDs where I live. I found a doctor that knows a little about Lyme and that is open-minded, and I can get antibiotic prescriptions from her. But ultimately, I’ll be the one deciding when and how to use them. 

Some practical info : 

  • I had symptoms for 12 years, mostly brain fog and fatigue
  • currently taking : Japanese knotweed, Cat’s Claw, Red Sage, Chinese skullcap, Gou Teng, Houttuynia, Banderol, oregano oil (just started, very low dose for the moment)
  • I’m going to start Cefuroxime for one month, mainly as a test to see if it helps ; I know I won’t get cured from that.

More precisely, I am wondering : 

  1. Are there any interactions between the herbs I’m taking and antibiotics? I only know about Chinese Skullcap slowing down the elimination of many drugs.  
  2. Should I lower the dose of Cefuroxime, considering the fact that many herbs I’m taking are also antimicrobials and it will add up? The one I was prescribed is 500mg twice daily.
  3. I like the idea of taking herbals continuously as the foundation while using antibiotics intermittently to avoid side effects ; if you had to design an ideal schedule for that what would it look like? 

Thanks !