I hate working Valentine’s Day
The amount of men that come in on the day to buy something for their partner. One guy said he was meeting his partner in 5 minutes so I had to quickly make him a knot wrap of bath products he obviously put zero thought in. Or today I asked a guy what kinda scents or colours does she like? this man said “idk im the wrong person to ask” THATS YOUR PARTNER, THE ONE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN LOVE WITH, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEIR FAVOURITE COLOUR IS? stop settling for the bare minimum, the thought doesn’t count if they put zero thought into it! It happens every type of occasion - Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays there’s always a man who literally know nothing about the women in their life and will buy the first gift a sales assistant shows them with not a single thought.