So How is your 2025 going so far?

I'm gonna try to keep the unnecessary moaning in this post to a minimal, as there is already enough on Reddit. Any-who, last year kinda kicked my ass. Working retail I expect to get socked with a few punches, but the pain from last year was totally uncalled for and completely preventable. Last year overall, was the second worst year I've experienced while working at Lowe's, beat out only by one about 10 years ago where I had a lot of family members and pets dying. It did come in as the worst December ever.

Between the additional meetings, ramped up emphasis on credit cards applications, increased micromanagement, and the drastic hour cutting, we lost a lot of people. At one point I was telling one of my customer service associates they might as well just leave the doors on open so the quitting associates could leave without issue. Along with the "joys" that come with being a Fulfillment associate, it almost broke me. I almost had a complete mental breakdown.

Literally there were a few weeks were I would just lay in bed staring at the ceiling, debating whether to go to work as my eyes were throbbing from the stress headaches I had. Many times I would procrastinate to the point I would have to rush out of the house without a shower, spritzing on deodorant, in order to not be late for work. After two decades of what was suppose to be a five year at most a desperation move, I've been more active in trying to get out of this place. It no longer remotely feels like the same company I get hired in at.

I did some job searching in the middle of last year with little results, so I started back up at the end of December. This time, I'm trying to apply local and non-corporate businesses, as I'm trying to stay away from the corporate politics and ass backwards approach to business. I'm getting tired of being a puppet for the benefit of some decamillionaire that could care less if die, but only cares about gaining more money and prestige, as if they were playing some COD game. Unfortunately my last three attempts at new employment fell flat. The first one ghosted me and the second told me the same cliche BS of "we found a more qualified candidate". The third one I got feedback on, not from the owners or hiring team, but from one of the girls that work there who told me to apply in the first place. Apparently they don't think my personality type is a fit for their company. Yes they think I'm a basket case.

I am making every attempt in this new year to look at things in a more positive light, but it's been kind challenging when we were no more than six days into the year I get yelled at by my supervisor that we need to improve the LTR scores immediately. Cool... I can't disagree with you. Kinda hard to get 100 orders out when 3/4 of your department quits, there isn't enough sales floor support staff to help you and everyday you come in feeling like a octogenarian stone mason. Maybe corporate should forward all our customers giving negative feedback to the offices of Blackrock and JP Morgan Chase, you know since they are mostly responsible for a lot of this.

At least the good news is I haven't had to hear Mr. Kelce-Swift at all and I'm not a Jaguars fan.