Luca/Scott: PR Fumble

I think Luca has had the most chances to turn the public's opinion on him throughout the season and just as he is about to do it, he fumbles it. He overreacted to Scott's comments and was incredibly rude to Tina, however, when he cried to Scott, I feel all it would take would be him saying "I'm very sorry man, I do not know why I do that, I really need to work on this as I clearly get defensive/insecure". That would have made him a poster boy. Same with the small comments/bullying - he knows people hate that about him, but he can't just stop. The one thing positive, is this guy is clearly himself. He is not playing a PR game, he may be going for fame, but not being strategic.

Scott on the other hand, has clearly had A LOT of PR training, but is fumbling it too bc he can't keep the persona he is pretending to be. I love this guy, he is funny, honest, and seems like a good lad overall, but you can tell he is calculated and it is coming off an unnatural. Therefore, when he overreacts and gets aggy (ie. the Luca drama), everyone turns on him. I think if he showed more of himself and cared less about how he is being perceived he could really shine.

My point is they have the opposite dilemma, Luca should be smarter and maybe think twice how bad this would look, Scott should stop thinking and be himself.