Why didn't Nick dump Hannah?

I've just watched the episode where Nick and Hannah broke up. I'm just surprised that Nick dealt with Hannah's bullshit for so long. Why do you think he didn't dump her? I think he seems somewhat inexperienced and innocent, do you think he just didn't have enough experience to see the red flags in Hannah? Did he truly love her so much that he didn't care how she treated him? Or was he just confused?

Hannah is a really toxic and manipulative person who seems to be unable to self reflect. In this episode she actually said that she feels manipulated by Nick, and weak. The emotions she probably made him feel, in reality, and she had no reason to feel. She's projecting grossly.

Nick has his flaws but he seems earnest and emotionally available. It's been really horrible to watch Hannah nitpick and put him down. There was zero romantic chemistry between them, just an abusive relationship.