Caleb’s Military Graduation memory

I am not sure if anybody else posted about this yet but… if none, let me be the first to state a very cute fact about one or Caleb’s memories/card which I am curious and interested to learn about when it gets released…

A little cute trivia! I am a military personnel (yes much like Caleb, is also an officer) and as I was browsing through his new updates, i can’t help but scream because I saw this memory and MC IS WEARING CALEB’S PERSHING CAP (some call it dress cap)!!! In his graduation too!!! This means she has to kiss him (hence the photo reference) because it is a military tradition to do so especially if you are someone’s girlfriend/special someone. Usually done when we graduate from military officer training schools…

I have placed a text to explain this cute military tradition… and i have to say this is so so sweet and very intimate especially that they have captured the essence of this tradition into his memory. Probably means they have put alot of thought and did research about this before releasing this card.

I am in cloud 9! 😭💗🥹