Broke up with my LDR partner. TW Abuse

I (19) broke up with my LDR partner (25). We had been together for a while, and he turned emotionally abusive towards me a few weeks ago. It took me a while to come to terms with it because it felt like it was out of nowhere. I decided to include the screenshot of texts with it because I want to give strength to those who have been or are in similar relationships. Please don’t put up with that kind of behavior and be an advocate to yourself. Much love and much luck to you all!

P.S. He deleted his messages out of shame so I had to recreate them the day after, and had him confirm they looked accurate. Some people might not believe me and I would include some other texts for more proof but honestly it hurts even looking back on them at all.

For context, it was all because I was late to calling him when I would have called around 8PM usually, this has happened maybe three times before.

Anyone who has a partner who talks to you like this please walk away and leave them. I was almost even pulled back in so please be careful.