When did you know it was time?
Happy new years everyone! ✨✨ I hope everyone had a great new years. I spent mine alone relaxing with my cat. As with a new year comes new year new me goals. One of the ones I’m still debating on is moving out of my first apartment. 🥺 I’ve been here for almost 4 years and I want to move out but also not sure. Idk if I’m just attached to the apt itself bc it’s my first apt or I’m just very comfortable and not wanting change. I see other apartments that are very nice and updated for maybe only $50-150 more a month that make me want to consider moving. My biggest cons here are that I am the downstairs neighbor and although my upstairs neighbor is old and quiet the building is very old and what are regular foot steps sound like stomping. The walls are paper thin and for that very reason I can’t invite/host people over with out my neighbors complaining of it being loud since you can hear everything. I feel like I can’t enjoy watching a movie on my sound bar or even talk on the phone without them hearing my conversation lol. They all speak different languages so it’s not a big deal as of right now.
My question is to those who have moved out of their first apartment when did you know it was time to move?
TLDR: I want to move out of my first apartment. When did you know it was time to move?