Lines artifacts 3060Ti (Vram is dying ?)
I have a Zotac 3060Ti, bought in January 2023. Since the beginning it has thermal problems, 85-86°C (97°C hotpsot) on big games. So at a time I decided to Undervolt following this tutorial
I did this 1 year ago and never had graphics or instability issues, My temps was better and I managed to make the GPU fans quieter.
Some weeks ago DeltaForce hawk Ops had playtest, so downloaded it and played for some hours. At some point I noticed stretched texture and polygone lines artifacts on weapons (my temps was ~86°C). It didn't mind me because it's a game in Alpha stage so didn't worried about it. For the temperature I konw it can handle it, it's not directly the problem here.
Now, I've installed Guardians of the galaxy, First hours played well, and One day later I got the same Artifacts but on the character and environment (Screenshot just below), The game freezed and crashed 1 minute later, with Display and Nvidia driver errors in Windows Event viewer. (temps was 83°C)
So I have made some tests, at first completely disabled my undervolt and safe small overclock on the memory. Problem didn't occur even at High Temperature.
Also tried some Benchmark Utilities such as Superposition, Heaven and Furmark, everything was fine.
Then Tried to re-enable my undervolt and decrease a little bit the memory clock, for now it's stable.
As I said with the original Undervolt/Overclock settings I never had issue on any game before. Not even CP2077 in Ultra.
So my question is, Is my GPU dying ? (at least the Vram)