Nice everyday seamless knickers
I *promised* I searched first!!! There was nothing recent that matches my search. Well. I searched for seamless. It wasn't coming in consecutive fashion. So maybe I failed my search!!
I'm trying to find some nice everyday seamless bikini knickers. I tried buying ones at Target and they're falling apart. Tbh I didn't buy them from Target to handwash. I'd happily spend the money for that level of quality. It is super super out of my price range.
I don't want to keep wasting money on 4-5 pair at one go that do not last. They are not seamless. If they are...they unravel. Sometimes they even unravel before they get washed. I really don't think I'm that destructive!?!!
Please can people recommend comfortable seamless underwear? I work minimum wage. It's something I wish I had lots of money. I have wishlists. But it needs to be between $10-$15 per one. I know this is low. Please do not judge me! It is already a splurge at $10/knicker but I'd like to try and put something nice that won't fall apart on my fanny. I'm quite fond of her. She deserves something nice!!
(I cannot edit my title to include bikini!)