Anyone want to assist with updating the project?
I started started a new clone of the repo on github and am working to update lsp to work with pigpio as well as replacing other dependencies. I have the install script running pretty good, but could use some help. This is not my strong suit, but I think it is worth doing.
What has been done:
I started with updating the rpi-audio-levels to use fftw instead of gpu_fft. There may be some tweaking needed in it, I have not done much testing beyond making sure that I could get it to compile and run. Needs some work to get the bands passed
I am pretty sure that I have gotten all of the calls to wiringpi replaced in the python scripts with calls to pigpio as well as updating the installation script. I have only tested the script on the latest mini 64 bit install of raspbian running on a Pi Zero 2.
Here's what is needed next. Figure out how to pass information from fftw to lsp and make sure it is analyzing properly.