It feels like all the good ones are already taken when you're dating after 30.
It feels like the only people left to date are either broken, toxic, or both.
I haven't dated in over a year because, let's be honest, I'm clearly a mess myself. But even when I do start feeling better, I'm in no rush to dive back in. From what I've seen, most people over 30 in the dating pool are either emotionally and mentally wrecked (which, unfortunately, I fall into) or they're just not looking for anything serious. Every time I come across someone who seems like they'd make a great partner and has their life together, they're already in a relationship. It feels like everyone else is just leftovers.
I'm not trying to be negative or upset anyone—just sharing my thoughts based on what I've experienced and observed. I’m open to discussion and I'm not claiming my perspective is the absolute truth.
Edit: To clarify, I'm not acting like I'm better than anyone. I’d date someone with issues—trust me, I’ve tried. But the issue is that they always seem to think other people's problems are bigger than their own. And honestly, I’m a leftover too. I’m not excluding myself from the mix.