Should we get married sooner now?
Hi everyone- first time posting but could really use some advice.
My (27f) girlfriend and I (26f) have lived together for three years. We have a joint credit card, shared pets, and share a car. We have been exploring getting engaged in the spring and married in the next few years. Up to this point, we have felt like we don’t want to rush into the next stage of life and enjoy where we are now, but marriage is definitely a goal for both of us.
With this election, I have been wondering if we should get married sooner for the legal benefit in case things start to look scary in regards to losing our rights ( to marriage and over our bodies for the most part). Additionally, she is a dual citizen with an EU passport, so mainly I have been considering that, should we feel we needed to move, that path would be easier as a couple.
I can’t tell if this is an overreaction. We live in San Francisco, so locally and on the state level I feel safe ( we moved here from Michigan…. Yikes), but with so much power, I’m afraid of what’s to come in the next few years nationally.
Is getting legally married (we’d probably hold the ceremony/ etc. on our current timeline) a smart legal move given the current climate, or am I overreacting?