My girlfriend sees me as a man(???) I posted here some time go about my gf being a bit weirdly obsessed with men and expressing it very enthusiastically to me specifically but I thought that we managed to talk it out and moved on. well, come to find out that as we somehow came around the topic of gender during our conversation, my gf confessed that she sees me as a guy. she told me she's been having a bit of a crisis lately and since I'm pretty masc and she's bi, she saw more of a guy than a girl in me despite me telling her that I'm not male multiple times. it's not like I even look like a dude cuz I don't - she just treated me like a boyfriend because to her I was just that. not only that but she also said that she wouldn't go for a woman and would rather want a man instead. I've been crying for hours now and I don't know what to do - I love her to death, I live with her in a studio apartment and can't move out, I've already been planning our future together for a while and got so attached to all of it that I just can't let go. I don't know if this is a vent or a plea for advice, I'm just lost, confused and really fucking hurt.