Reading Blackstone’s Commentaries, Vol. I
In the Editor’s Preface for the 1802 edition, St. Geo. Tucker wrote:
“For what can be more absurd than that a person wholly ignorant of the [U.S.] constitution should presume to make laws pursuant thereto? or that one who neither understands the constitution nor the law, should boldly adventure to administer the government!”
The preceding paragraph is shiver-inducing: “An enlightened people, who have once attained the blessings of a free government, can never be enslaved until they abandon virtue and relinquish science.”
Where did we go wrong? Why did we stop teaching children to think critically and to analyze as they read? Why do we glorify stupidity? I am so fucking disappointed with Americans and our “values”.
[edit. The author was a noted abolitionist who just paragraphs previous to this quote railed against the illogic of a free nation enslaving people.]