Does anyone LIKE their job?
I keep seeing a lot of posts about people hating their jobs, hating the law, hating OC/bench/boss/colleagues etc. That's all valid, because, it's law practice, not Viking River cruising. The law is not for everyone. Some areas of practice are worse than others. Some offices are trash and some are amazing, and others still are just kinda average or acceptable. Like ANY profession, there is plenty to hate BUT,
Does anyone love it? Is anyone in like (or love) with their job, or even some aspect of it? Like, what's good y'all?
I personally am in a high volume practice, mid sized firm for more than a decade. The work is steady and sometimes I get clients who piss me off sending me into new heights of insanity I never thought possible and that's colorful fun, but at the same time, I do get the ones I'd lay down and cover a puddle for them to walk safely over me and then I have found my joie de vivre again and the world kinda rights itself. The 2% of the time this happens makes it worth it for me.