Tried to lease an EV6 today - FAIL
Dealer near us had the model we wanted (Wind AWD) in Runway Red. After checking both the Kia main website and the dealer's own website, the estimated payment was $452 ($0 down) for 36 months. We were willing to spend that, give or take some minor difference. $15,100 "discounts" including the EV credit.
We took it out for a test drive, really liked the car. When we got back to the dealership, they came up with a $656/mo lease payment. Salesman tried to explain why it was reasonable to be $200 more than what their own website said. I even pulled up their page with estimates. No movement, just more BS. Needless to say, I was incensed, and we walked away.
Is this a common experience? This is not my first lease by any means, not even the first one this year, and I've never seen such a difference.
EDIT: OK, we took home the Kia of our dreams today. Hard to tell if it was exactly the TrueCar pricing because there were some moving parts. The dealership was much more accommodating today, except for an insistent finance manager. I had to tell her many times to stop with the maintenance/warranty BS. It's sad how many hours they waste of your time. But my wife is happy and ready to start her retirement in style.