A child-free life
My friends has two kids, different deadbeat baby daddies. She also has confessed to sending two unborn babies to Sayun. Sis struggles to raise her kids and has on several occasions mentioned wanting to drop them off at a children's home.
My other friend has 3 kids-same father. I've always thought they have a perfect marriage until she called me juzi and ranted for hours on end about how toxic the marriage had become. Her husband apparently has a child from a previous relationship and the baby mama has resurfaced in his life. My friend goes like, ‘Iwish I could leave this man, but I can't coz of the kids. I'm gonna struggle raising them while he sleeps around’.
Those are isolated cases but I have never in the life of me desired kids. I mean I could hang out with your kid but return it later.
I have on various occasions thought about the future I want for myself and I don't see a kid or kids in it. I am slowly accepting the fact that I might want to live a child-free life. And no, I don't suppose that I will die of loneliness in a remote village with no kids to take care of me. And yes, I have met nice men whose babies I would carry, lol.
I'm still deeply thinking about this and I feel like in a couple of years' time I will share this with my family wasikue wamekaa hapo waiting to be called shosh or Aunties.
Do you guys want to have kids?