Some Observations About Women
Women have made it such that should a guy have preferences, they are somehow a monster for that. Men can not talk about their colour or body size preferences openly and all this while ladies openly and constantly bash men for being broke or below 6'0 ft (something they can't even control, yet most times you can control your fatness). If it's wrong to body-shame, shouldn't the standard apply equally to all persons whether male or female. On the colour issue, Black American women in particular love attacking Black US male celebrities who are just quietly dating/married to white women and have never even bashed them.
Another upcoming pop obsession is age gaps between consenting adults. Men are made out to be monsters if they're with a younger female. Now, most of this hate is usually coming from older unmarried women, and it's quite obvious why they're bitter. And since they can not spite against the younger ladies directly as it will become too obvious, they instead choose to go after the men while masking it as some moral undertaking. I even doubt men choose younger ladies merely because they're young. I think it's more because they're prettier, and men care that a woman is beautiful. Beauty fades with age unfortunately so most women lose theirs. Older women who kept their beauty eg Caroline Mutoko, Esther Passaris, etc. still get loads of men running after them. Lots of young women get abused by their younger guys, like at house parties, in rships, etc even being impregnated and left while still in sch. I think it's unfair to blanket-bash rships with sizeable age gaps. You don't even know these people. If your genuine concern is the well-being of the younger ladies/men, it's far more effective/ honest to teach how to recognise abuse/manipulation whatever the age of the person and to walk away from it. Men at any age can abuse their partner/ use a woman for sex. Teach recognition of such rather than blanket-shaming strangers you don't know. There's good and bad people at every age.