Things the internet or anyone cannot convince me to do

  1. Give birth... It doesn't matter how many cute baby videos y'all post 🤧 I have seen someone give birth in real time.... I will never do such a thing😏😏😏

2.Situanships or friends with benefits unless the benefits involve me making money...non sexual of course( I clearly need to clarify this part)🙄🙄🙄

3.Only fans The money looks good, but the aftermath??? I can't deal

  1. Forex Waliniibia🤨🤨🤨

  2. Have a roommate... Never works out

  3. Customer is always right I only give you three free trials after that nitakupasha because there is no way you keep disrespecting me just because you are paying for a service If the tip is good, we can go upto 5free trials

  4. Support a man financially Never!!!!

  5. Not posting the guy I'm with If you're cheating, I want to know mapema So he gets one post on my feed 🤔