Is my bestfriend real

At times I feel like she I'd available and at times like she always puts her other friends first before me. We were supposed to plan my birthday me and her and she said she wants to bring her other friend and I was okay. So today she called and was like they've agreed with the friend we go on a certain date and the amount we should contribute and im like no this not possible let's push it a little bit so I can also manage to get all that money and shes like unajua I don't want to disappoint the other friend sijui oooh. So I was like kwani who's birthday is it? Who's not supposed to be disappointed in this case?. She just started earning na ako na mamioto mingi to go to places but I'm like I can't just spend all my money I need to budget for everything cause I'm also investing. I just told her to go to the trip with her other friend cause she seems more important than my birthday. I should stop putting people first