Tire policy questions

I work at a tire shop. I won’t say where. But our lovely old man who thinks he is the shit messed up and sold a customer the wrong size tire. Let’s call him Jim. The customer came back a week later saying he wanted something bigger, that his current ones looked small. So that’s what Jim did. Got him a tire size up from a 275 to a 285. Now that we have these other tires that were on his truck for a week.

Our SM and Jim both say we need to clean them up, make them look nice to be sold again. Now I don’t know our tire policy, but that sounds stupid as all hell. Now Jim believes that if it isn’t done his way. It’s wrong. He always tries to put the blame on someone else and not himself. He honestly is just an ass.

Now our sales software that we use automatically puts in pricing for all of our services. Jim loves Michelin tires and doesn’t like selling anything other than a Michelin. He has been known to mark tires up 20-50+ above what it shows in our software. Often reaching the point where a set of tires cost almost $2k.

I understand the store wants to resell them at a discount. It makes sense. I believe our SM will do it just fine. Jim though… I got a gut feeling he will still do full price even though they are slightly used tires.

Am I just reading all of this wrong and stepping out of line? Or is all this common that happens at other places? Shouldn’t the store sell the tires as is used tires and don’t even clean them up?

I’d love to hear what other people do in a situation like this.