Least team reliant junglers?
For context: Peaked Emerald 1 last year on my jungle account. Currently down bad in Gold with an abhorrent winrate. I feel like I end up in so many situations where it could've been huge, but I had the wrong expectations of my teammates and it all goes to shit. For example sneaking an early dragon while my bot has prio but then still get collapsed on by their mid/jgl. Or when trying to set up a countergank but it's misunderstood and my laner dies/makes it giga obvious. I fully understand that's a me problem though. I find that I play my best games when I have good synergy with my support and mid laner, but want to be less reliant on that.
I play mostly Ivern, Gragas and Udyr (tank/ad/ap) and it has been a pain. I think I need some more carry potential so I can capitalize on my good plays. Tempo and pathing are one of my strongest suits imo. Open to learn any champ, any recommendations?