Could someone help explain this interest connection?

I started reading Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s Inner Space. It was recommended to me here, actually (thank you😉).

He poses a rhetorical question when discussing the soul levels. Do we notice the air around us when it’s at rest?

Now, I had this EXACT thought a few weeks ago — before I was introduced to the idea at all, or started reading the book. I was telling my grandmother how magical the air of Jerusalem is, and said something like: “you can always feel it hovering around you (even when it’s at rest).

Having read Kaplan, this thing has a while new layer of meaning. Maybe the constant presence of the air connects to the idea that JLM is “ha’ir chubra ya” — the city connected to Hashem? Maybe, when in Jerusalem, you’re 24/7 tapping in to your ruach consciousness, almost like there’s a natural spiritual wind which does exist elsewhere? It’s like the resting state of Jerusalem is ruach.

Any other ideas?

I started reading Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s Inner Space. It was recommended to me here, actually (thank you😉).

He poses a rhetorical question when discussing the soul levels. Do we notice the air around us when it’s at rest?

Now, I had this EXACT thought a few weeks ago — before I was introduced to the idea at all, or started reading the book. I was telling my grandmother how magical the air of Jerusalem is, and said something like: “you can always feel it hovering around you (even when it’s at rest).

Having read Kaplan, this thing has a while new layer of meaning. Maybe the constant presence of the air connects to the idea that JLM is “ha’ir chubra ya” — the city connected to Hashem? Maybe, when in Jerusalem, you’re 24/7 tapping in to your ruach consciousness, almost like there’s a natural spiritual wind which does exist elsewhere? It’s like the resting state of Jerusalem is ruach.

Any other ideas?