Need advice on 2021 Latitude brakes and rear lights

I’m hoping I can get some advice:

  1. My 2021 latitude has had the left rear light replaced twice. The last time was 2 mo ago. About a month ago the whole unit (left rear, brake and signal) light went out. I’m thinking it’s a fuse and hoping it’s not an electrical problem. Usually, you can just pop fuses in and out of cars but I’m having trouble identifying where this one is. Any advice? My car was bought used and didn’t come with a manual. I looked online for info and have found 2 of the fuse boxes, but the one near the steering wheel seems hard to get to. Anyway know an easy was to get to it?

  2. My brakes started screeching a week and a half ago. It sounded like rotors. Only thing is, I never got the warning sensor sound so that I could just replace the pads, like I have on every other car I’ve owned. Went to Pep boys. They say 600 dollars for front rotors, pads, line flush, and left caliper. Called the dealer. They say 2000 for the same. JUST THE FRONT!! They claim my car came with some special brakes. pep boys didn’t mention which brakes they would put on.
    Do I have to put special brakes on my renegade? What if I just put some brakes I get from autozone?! Does it make a difference if I go to the dealer, really?

Also, both places say that cars generally don’t have sensors on the brakes to warn you before you get to the rotors. That’s bull, because all of my and my families’ and friends’ cars had/have them. The dealer is saying that the ones with sensors cost more.. not sure what I should do/who I should take it to. Help!