Jeep engine gone- gap insurance question

Edited to add- I now know the Gap insurance won’t help us. Any suggestions on what we should do? The car is still owned by the bank! Ugh!!

Hi there - this is my first official post on Reddit. I was hoping to get some help and or answers. Our son’s 2015 jeep grande Cherokee, engine blew. Apparently something broke and it caused it to lose oil. He didn’t notice any oil leak , no indications on the dash, always did regular oil changes. We had a warranty on the car, and I guess if there isn’t a certain amount of oil in the car, they won’t cover the repair of a full engine re build. They will pay to have the oil filter housing repaired, but that’s it . It’s a very crazy clause - but basically we are kinda screwed. So my question is- if we have gap insurance- which we do, can the car be totaled bc the engine needs to be replaced and it costs more to replace the engine -than the car is worth ? Or is Gap insurance just for, an actual car accident ? Trying to figure things out, since we still have a loan on the car and are making payments?!?? Any help or advice would be much appreciated!!