My ECV failed
After telling myself for weeks/months, "97% of babies turn", there mine was at 36+1: head up, butt down.
My provider obviously doesn't do ecv a lot, but was willing to try.
But I had to ask, which should have been a clue about their experience level & my chances of success.
They tried at 36+6 and it was a waste of a whole day starving at the hospital. Not that I regret trying (i don't), but I wish I had wasted less emotional energy thinking it might work.
A nurse told me she's only seen 4 work in 5 years. 🙄 So I doubt they get enough experience to achieve anything close to the 50-60% success rate that experienced providers achieve. But who knows, maybe they've only ever tried 8. Or maybe it was my anatomy, or baby's cord, or whatnot. Who knows.
I know the C will be fine. My first one was emergency, baby was safe, and my recovery was easy.
I have no right to complain about this. I should just be happy this 2nd baby baked all the way to term (my first did not, not even close) and gets to arrive here safely.
I just... really wanted it to work.