What minor JRPG mechanics do you really like? Would you like to see them in other games?

For starters, I like how Suikoden has a dynamic EXP mechanic where lower level characters gain tons of experience while higher level characters gain minimal EXP, which not only helps underleveled characters catch up pretty quickly but also ensures you can't really over-grind beyond the recommended level for a given area or story point.

Another thing is how games like Bravely Default allow you to set the encounter rate dynamically. While most RPGs tend to go with visible encounters on the game map these days, others still stick with random encounters. BD allows you to crank up the encounter rate whenever you're level grinding, but also allows you to turn them off so that you can, for instance, heal up and prepare at a town then rush towards a boss fully prepared. Now granted this won't fit every game (especially games where the point is that the dungeon softens you up before the big boss fight at the end) but it's a worthwhile mechanic all the same.