About to launch my first game, any advice?

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all having a good day, I have been learning to make games with Unreal Engine and I'm about to launch my fist one. This is not the original game idea I had in mind but I realised that there was lots of things to learn and starting with something simple could be better.

So far I'm happy and proud of what I did but I'm a solo dev and still learning so I could make lots of mistakes and I think it would be nice to listen to some advice from others lovely Indie game devs.

This is a gameplay video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spnmitoiCoE

The aim of the game is to see how long you can last before the time runs out. The game is controlled with the gyroscope of your phone but I think it should work with the gyroscope of a controller as well but I don't have one to try, alterntively analog stick can be used.

My plan is to release it in Android Store and see what happen, see if anyone downloads the game and if I get any feedback. I'm planning to make it free with only few ads.

After learning from this experience I may release it to itch.io as well.

Any thouthgs, advice or feedback is welcome.