I hate my dadi, she's ruining my life

My dadi is the most incompetent and lazy person I know. Everything in my life has to revolve around her and I can't stand it. Since nobody else in the family wants her, we have to keep her and she shares a room with me. All she does is watch some shitty saas bahu serial on full volume and give unnecessary commentary. During my exams, I have to literally BEG her to let me study. We can't ever go out on vacations and holidays because of her. Someone has to be with her 24/7 and the thing is, she doesn't want to get better. She doesn't take her meds on time, doesn't listen to the doctor and always does her shitty melancholic drama. I hate her so much and hate interacting with her. The only person I can vent to about this is my mother, and she too tells me to take it down a notch. But I'm just so frustrated.

I'm the only grandchild who talks to her, the rest don't even call her. Yet they're her "precious grandbabies" and I'm not. I can't wait to be 18 and get out of this house (and hopefully this country) forever.