Should we take in refugees from Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Many Hindus flee Pakistan and Bangladesh every year .Recently with the new regime many Hindus are fleeing persecution. Hindus are usually worst hit when a conflict occurs in Bangladesh .For example in 1971 during Pakistans genocide of the Begalis Hindus were usually worst affected as they were made out to be convenient scapegoats
As US Senator Edward Kennedy wrote in the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations testimony dated 1 November 1971, "Hardest hit have been members of the Hindu community who have been robbed of their lands and shops, systematically slaughtered, and in some places, painted with yellow patches marked "H". All of this has been officially sanctioned, ordered and implemented under martial law from Islamabad". So should we take these people in considering they have no other place to go ? On the other hand many people in North East are worried about the new influx of refugees as they see it as foreign replacement of their culture. This is why they protested CAA . Anyways it's their fault for choosing to live in Islamist states why should we pay for their foolishness ?