Hinge Algo

This could be a bit much. So I made a fake id on hinge. I put up pics of a conventionally good looking guy and just showcased my personality in prompts. A few things were very humbling.

  1. The type of women that sent me likes or matched with me or were just shown were absolutely top 1%. I only get to see them as top profiles from my real profile.Some of those profiles i am not even shown. (I am average in looks dept)
  2. I was rude with some, creep with some but I didn’t get even 1% flak for it. Being hot is a free pass for being as*hole I have observed.
  3. Dude women are suddenly more interested and less probable to ghost. Rule 1&2 work for real.
  4. Mumbai girls are hotter than Delhi😂.
  5. Women are as creepy as boys in some cases.