Blending Light Roast with Dark Roast: My Experiment

Hey coffee enthusiasts!

I’ve been playing around with blending light and dark roast coffee lately, and I found a combination that’s really working for me. I used 15.6g of a light roast and added just enough dark roast to make up a total of 18g. This small mix has been giving me an incredible balance – the boldness and body you expect from a dark roast, combined with that bright, punchy flavor you get from a light roast.

The light roast brings out those fruity, floral notes while the dark roast adds a touch of smokiness and depth. It’s like getting the best of both worlds in one cup!

Anyone else tried mixing roasts like this? Would love to hear your thoughts or any other blends you've experimented with!

Brewing method - Pour Over Water Temp - 92 d celcius Grind size - medium fine Coffee: - Light roast - Blue Tokai Riverdale - Dark roast - Starbucks Italian roast