Thinking about Immybot Solution: Questions

These are questions which I couldn't find an answer to from documentation:

  1. Creating a default desktop with preferences already setup or a way to use a custom image with a custom default profile with all the preference presetup. Use Case moving to windows 11, with as many setting to look like windows 10 as possible, removing the stupid explorer triple click context commands, preferable custom chrome setup for so .ica (citrix reciever) opens automatically etc. This is to avoid touching every machine and logging in as the enduser to fix everything.

  2. Quickbooks premier install- can you choose which edition (contractor edition, this is for reporting).

  3. Quickbooks does it update the server then workstations, or is this by schedule?

  4. Quickbooks does it turn off automatic updates (which quickbooks loves to turn on and screw up multiuser systems)

These are my current pain points. I realize that some of this can be done with additional powershell scripting in 1. but I would prefer just to use a golden image and def profile to solve the issue.