(TW: Positive Betas) We’re not telling anyone yet, so I need to yell it out into the void…
Our second beta increased by 534% and I just can’t believe it 😭😭😭 firmly in the camp of celebrating wins when they happen since this process can be so heartbreaking and shitty. I’ve never even been pregnant nor had a positive home pregnancy test before and I’m just so thankful that right now, in this moment, I get to experience this joy 😭 I’ve been so worried all week because I have been so so sick with a cold (fever, chest cough, exhaustion) and I had brown discharge this morning. It’s just nice to embrace a win and not be worried for at least the rest of the day.
12/19 - 5 day frozen embryo transfer
12/24 - 1st positive home pregnancy test
12/30 - 1st beta came back at 171.68 (shooting for 75)
1/2 - 2nd beta came back at 1,089.35 (shooting for 340)
EDIT: I could have never imagined this much support. I love this community for all the information everyone provides and the love too. This truly is the club no one wants to be a part of, but shows up for one another anyways. Sending you all baby dust and hugs - thank you guys so much! 🥺
UPDATE! 1/6 - 3rd beta came back at 4,582 (shooting for 4,356) 🙌😭