Last egg retrieval we can afford. Any tips?

TW: previous loss and LC

I am 38(f) and 40(m) going into the last Hail Mary egg retrieval and just wanted to see if anyone who has a similar profile has any tips.

Conceived my LC spontaneously at 33, no issues. Have had 4 miscarriages between age 36-38 all likely due to chromosomal issues. Have done extensive testing on me and husband and all comes back normal.

First egg retrieval - estrogen priming, antagonist protocol stimmed for 16 days. 11 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized, 1 blast, 0 euploid.

Starting next retrieval with a very low dose lupron protocol in a few weeks. 7 days priming Lupron (4 units) and omnitrope and then gonal 225, menopur 225, lupron 2 Units, omnitrope.

Anything else I should think about or try? Really want this to work but know it may not be possible.