A poem: Breath Taken

IVF is a pendulum.

Of life and limb,

And hoping a breath will sway

My world.

That extra soul, I cling.


Shed the weight,

Clear half the plate,

scale fluctuates.




My doctor says

“Not enough”.


Let’s escalate.

The mind’s raced.

Leave the plates.

Starve all dates.




The doctor says

“Well done”.


Round one, round two.

Oddly expected.

Emotions neglected.

So am I defective?


Round four, round five.

The deepest dive,

I’m drowning in mind.

Am I alive?


Round seven, round eight.

A choking hate.

Liberate or sedate.

What of my fate?


IVF is a pendulum.

Of life and limb,

And no breath has swayed

My world.

Breaths were taken, never given.

I cling no more.