3 weeks- VERY low supply

Hi everyone! I am 3 weeks pp. I had a healthy baby boy at 38 weeks via c section. From the beginning, we had trouble with EBF. Baby would scream bloody murder when trying to get him to latch. Slept all the time. Lost a significant amount of weight. Once home, we supplemented with formula while I pumped and I was only getting 4ml or so. So it explains why baby hated the boob so much.

To this day, we are 3 weeks in, I am pumping every 3-4 hours and get maybe half an ounce combined per pump. I have tried the LegenDairy liquid gold, mother’s milk tea, lactation balls, brewers yeast, oatmeal you name it. In the pump, my milk never sprays- it just drips. I do leak! Quite a bit which is comforting honestly.

I have had 3 breast surgeries-implants, removal to correct, and implants put in again (all under the muscle and never through the nipple). I’m concerned that this is just all the milk I’m ever going to get. I’m worried something in my breast was/is damaged and it’s effecting my supply. I also don’t have too much sensation in my breast/nipple so I can’t feel a let down or if milk is flowing, probably making things worse.

Is it too soon to throw in the towel? Is there anything else I can do to increase my supply? I am so hopeful, I would love to give my baby breast milk. From the c section to the pumping-I am struggling to accept the fact that nothing has went as I’ve hoped for my postpartum life.

Any advice/experience would be so appreciated. Send milky thoughts.